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Appetizers & Entrées, Fall, Spring, Starboard Batch 88, Summer, Winter

A bbq treat. Marinating in Starboard Batch 88 brings forth wonderful flavors and aromas in the lamb.

1 lb lamb chops
1/2 cup red wine
1/2 cup Starboard Batch 88
1 tsp. garlic, crushed, fresh

  1. Trim the bones and fat off one pound of lamb chops and cut the meat into 3/4 inch chunks.
  2. Marinate one hour in red wine, Starboard Batch 88, and garlic.
    Place meat on skewers and grill over a hot charcoal fire until seared on outside and pink in the middle (3-4 minutes on a side).
  3. Serve with pilaf and Visao or a hearty red wine such as Petite Syrah.


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